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Building a Pensioned Society enabled through Digi Locker

Digi Locker is a key initiative under Digital India, the Government of India flagship program with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and a pensioned Society. Digi Locker embraces Digital India’s vision areas of providing the Citizens a shareable private digital space with a consent framework and making all documents/certificates digitally available and accessible at ease. The number of Registered Users of Digi Locker are nearly 13 cr and 5.60 billion issued documents under various Categories viz Central/ State Governments, Banking & Insurance, Education, Health etc.
- Central Record Keeping Agencies (CRAs) of PFRDA have become Digi Locker Partner Organizations to provide Subscriber Centric online Services indicated vide Circular PFRDA/2022/16/SUP CRA/4 dated 27th July 2022.
- As a tribute to 75 Years of India’s Independence Day Celebration and to commemorate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, PFRDA is pleased to provide following additional features through Digi Locker:
i. Account opening using Driving License (DL) through Digi Locker ( Annexure I)
ii. Updation of existing address using DL through Digi Locker ( Annexure II)
- The facility can be availed by prospective subscribers opening their accounts with Protean CRA and existing subscribers of Protean CRA for updating their address.
Annexure I
Steps for opening the NPS account using Driving License issued in DigiLocker
- Open the NPS registration page on Protean CRA website. (https://enps.nsdl.com)
- Select the option of New Registration with Documents with DigiLocker and select Driving License (DL).
- Applicant will be redirected to DigiLocker Website, where he can login with login credentials and provide consent for sharing of documents/information with CRA.
- Allow NPS to access DigiLocker and issued documents.
- The demographic Information and the photo as per Driving License will be auto populated in the account opening Page.
- Provide PAN, personal details, Information related to Bank Account, Scheme & Nomination and other details to complete the application.
- Payment can be made towards NPS Contribution.
- NPS Account generated successfully.
Annexure II
Steps for updating the address in NPS account using Driving License issued in DigiLocker
- Login to NPS account using credentials on Protean CRA website
- Select the option Update Personal Details under the tab Demographic Changes
- Select Update Address Details and further select through DigiLocker and select Driving License under documents.
- Applicant will be redirected to DigiLocker Website, where he can login with login credentials and provide consent for sharing of documents/information with CRA.
- Allow NPS to access DigiLocker and issued documents and submit.
- Address as per Driving License will be updated in NPS account.