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Here’s What Renu Kaushal feels about Population Explosion, this World Population Day 2022

Bringing a twist in the narrative of the Population Explosion debate, Super Model Renu Kaushal shares her irrefutable point on how we must mindfully use the Earth’s limited resources. She elaborates on the healthy relationship between the humankind and nature and the need of the hour to coexist peacefully.
“I feel that we must not discriminate when it comes to even environmental issues. What is most important is to ensure that our generation learns to love nature and respect it just as we had seen parents do. To coexist peacefully with the environment without harming it is a goal and the government should take the lead role in instilling this feeling. This World Population Day, the population should vow to take things into their hands.”
Observed on 11th July, World Population Day was created by the United Nations Development Programme in 1989 with the aim to draw attention towards population-related issues.