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The Art of Living Presents ‘The Unknown Edge’ by Rajita Kulkarni Bagga

Book Release: The Unknown Edge- A former banker reveals in this book her mystical story of surviving 26/11, shares experiences of fear and faith, and her journey in balancing spirituality with business
Nov. 26, 2021: 13 years after one of the deadliest terror attacks rocked the city of Mumbai on 26/11, the memories continue to remain etched in the minds of survivors. What transpired inside Hotel Taj in those three long days and what survivors went through; is something that makes for a somber remembrance. One book that shares a first hand account of the terrorist attack and how it changes the life of a survivor is ‘The Unknown Edge.’
The book is a heartwarming read about the journey of a former senior banker, currently president of the World Forum for Ethics in Business, Rajita Kulkarni Bagga, on surviving 26/11 terrorist attacks, shared experiences of faith and spirituality under the guidance of her spiritual guru, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
“At that moment nothing mattered,” recalls Rajita. “The CEOs and the hotel workers, everyone was the same. All of us were lying low, trying to get through the ordeal, holding on to each other. I remember looking at Ajay and telling him in silence, this is not how I want to say our goodbyes. Something shifted that moment. Before then, I had never heard a gunshot in my life,” she says. Her husband Ajay Bagga is a seasoned financial market expert and a known face on Indian business television.
‘The Unknown Edge’ was #1 Bestseller in the True Account category at its launch on Amazon and currently holds a 4.9/5 rating. Rajita shares an unbelievable journey from the glass corridors of Citibank to becoming President of the World Forum for Ethics in Business, based in Brussels. This journey takes a somber and mystical turn on 26/11. How does such a moment of reckoning change a person , who has always had things under control? How does it affect her understanding of success in life and life itself? Rajita writes about the fundamentally transforming experience of grief, fear and faith that she witnessed that night.
In the book, Rajita also shares highlights of her close association of nearly three decades with Gurudev. Her account provides a rare insight into Gurudev, the person, and the peaceful aura around him that touches people deeper than words and actions can. Under his guidance, she herself transforms from a simple, middle-class girl into a sought-after global leader, transformational coach and educationist. Through her lens, we see how Gurudev leads an organization spread over 156 countries, while personally guiding his followers towards their growth, ever so often, offering glimpses from a realm beyond the known.
Replete with gripping personal stories, the book is a heartfelt, inspiring account of a woman who balances the sunshine of worldly success with the wisdom of the other-worldly Transcendent Reality, staying on The Unknown Edge that bridges both. In reading her story, you will find resonance with the power of the Unknown in your own life, leaving you enriched and uplifted.
The book is available at: https://www.amazon.in/Edge-Rajita-Kulkarni-Bagga/dp/8194293383/