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Union Bank of India – HR receives ISO 30414:2018 – Certification

International Standard for Human Capital Reporting
Mumbai, March 31, 2022: Union Bank of India – HR Vertical today received the prestigious ISO 30414:2018 Certification, having successfully implemented the Human Resources Capital Management System as per International Standard.
This Certificate has been issued by an Independent Certification body, M/s. RIR Certification Pvt. Ltd. (accredited by IAS, USA) which has been providing Certification & Inspection services in various countries
Union Bank of India has embarked on an ambitious HR Transformation project “Union Prerna” which includes revamping & digitization of various HR systems & processes, giving impetus to the ISO standardization process.
The ISO 30414:2018 certification is an added accolade achieved by Union Bank of India in the field of Human Resources in addition to being ranked high in the “Governance and Outcome – Centric Human Resources” theme of the PSB Reforms Index EASE 3.0 for FY 2020-21.
The ISO 30414:2018 Human Capital internal & external reporting standards provide guidelines to help organizations produce credible human capital reports and analytics for effective management as well as for public disclosure of human capital data to regulators & stakeholders. The ISO 30414:2018 certification has helped the Union Bank establish globally accepted standards for measuring and evaluating human resources value creation.