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Indian Oil launch Check & Fill Campaign for customers in Indore

Indore. In order to reassure our customers about Quality & Quantity (Q&Q) of Petrol and Diesel being sold at retail outlets (ROs) , IndianOil has launched a Check & Fill campaign at automated ROs in Indore. It will be operated initially up to September 26, 2020 and will be further extended based on customer response.
“Test Karo Reward Pao” campaign will make our customers aware of their rights to check Q&Q and reassure them about IndianOil’ s commitment to always be atrustworthy fuel provider of nation,” said Mr. V Satish Kumar , Executive Director&State Head &State level coordinator, Madhya Pradesh. During the campaign customers can do following checks with theassistance/demonstration by a designated quality assurance attendant:
- Filter Paper Test (for Petrol) – Customers will be invited to check the quality of petrol at retail outlet by carrying out filter paper test at RO which is available at RO.
- Density Check (for petrol and diesel, including branded fuels) – Customers will be informed about density checks themselves if they so desire.
- Quantity – Customers will be invited to check the quantity dispensed through dispensing unit by checking with a calibrated 5 litre measure stamped by Weights and Measures department.
Keeping in view of the current Covid-19 situation, customer will have the option to get the checks demonstrated by a designated quality assurance attendantor do it themselves.In case customer volunteers to do it himself/herself, a protective kit with sanitizer /mask /disposable hand gloves will be provided.
Reward for Customers:
Customers carrying out the checks at the ROs shall be incentivised by offering Q&Q bonus points for existing enrolled customers or complimentary enrolment into ourXTRAREWARDS Loyalty program.
Modalities for Incentives:
After carrying out the checks at RO customer will be required to send a SMS to mobile number 9594925848 with the following data points (assistance will be provided by customer attendant)
• RO/SAP Code
• TRAN-ID (This is RO Automation generated transaction-id against an issue transaction
at RO)
• Happy/Unhappy (H/U)
E.g.: SMS SYNTAX —- space space >/>U>
Each customer (Mobile ID) shall be awarded only once during the 24 hrs starting 00 hrs of the day, however a customer is welcome to participate and carry out check multiple times during the day.
Any customer (Mobile ID) carrying out Q&Q check shall be rewarded maximum two times during the campaign period however he can participate multiple times at any RO. Customer participating in the campaign shall be rewarded with Q&Q Bonus point equivalent to 100 Xtrarewardpoints