Saba Qamar’s transformation in ‘Mrs & Mr Shameem’ is a must watch

~Witness her exceptional performance as Umaina every Tuesday & Friday on Zindagi’s YouTube Channel~

Saba Qamar has already made a name for herself as one of Pakistan’s most talented actresses, captivating audiences with her performance in both Pakistan Industry & In India, she wowed everyone in Hindi Medium, starring opp late Irrfan Khan. In her role as Umaina in ‘Mrs. & Mr. Shameem’ which is currently streaming on Zindagi’s YouTube channel, Saba truly outdoes herself demonstrating the kind of versatility and emotional depth that confirms her status as a leading actress.

As the series begins, Umaina is a confident, straightforward young woman who doesn’t shy away from speaking her mind. However, as the show progresses, we see a dramatic transformation. After a shocking twist, she discovers she is pregnant, abandoned by her ex-lover, and shunned by her own family. This emotional journey is skillfully portrayed by Saba as she navigates Umaina’s transition from a fiercely independent woman to a vulnerable and sensitive person seeking love and validation in a world that often fails to understand or appreciate her.

Director Kashif Nisar commended Saba for bringing Umaina to life and says, “Umaina’s character is not one which can be easily played since there are so many emotions and feelings her character goes through, but Saba has done an excellent job in playing her role. While we were casting for the show, I knew that Saba would perfectly fit into the world of Umaina and showcase the several stages of her life journey with perfection. I am very glad that we had Saba to play the role for Umaina and cannot imagine what Mrs. & Mr. Shameam would be without her.”

Saba Qamar expressed, “Umaina is a character that has surprised me as an actor; it has length, width, and depth or whatever you want to call it. While I do relate to the character, which is as feisty as I am in real life, Umaina lives in a very different situation, she is a wild child, fearless, full of fun and vibrant. Of Course this role comes with a lot of work and various emotions are portrayed by her character so I took it as nothing less than a challenge when I decided on playing this role that goes through various emotions. To portray those emotions for the viewers to see exactly what Umaina was going through in each scene was definitely a task but the storyline is such that it all just came to me naturally. I have never played anything like Umaina before, and you will get to know it once you watch it. It’s inspiring and at the same time talks about society, which doesn’t treat those who are different kindly.”

Saba Qamar’s dedication to her craft is palpable and her portrayal of Umaina will leave you breathless. This is a performance you won’t want to miss.

Don’t miss the premiere on Zindagi’s YouTube channel every Tuesday and Friday and join Shameem and Umaina on their extraordinary journey of love and resilience.

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