How Sheetal Maulik perfected a new language for her role in Pyar Ki Luka Chuppi

Mumbai. Actors often adapt (read adopt) to the role with such dedication that they end up living the character that they play onscreen. Actors also explore different styles, cultures and languages during their acting journey.

All these efforts are made to ensure that the character is convincing enough for the audience. This is only possible through a lot of dedication, research, practice and preparation.

Needless to say, it isn’t an easy task and actors do face a lot of challenges in the process. A similar scenario was encountered by Sheetal Maulik, who is a Maharashtrian married to a Bengali.

She faced a little difficulty to acquire the Kanpuriya language and dialect for her character Kalyani didi in the show Pyar Ki Luka Chuppi which is currently airing on Dangal TV.

When asked about how she got a hold on the Kanpuriya language, Sheetal Maulik said, “Language was a major challenge for me but when I had my first meeting with the producer, she told me that I don’t have to worry about anything. If there is any problem, she would take care of it.

Only thing she told me was that I should give my 100 percent and try my best. This was very encouraging to hear and I thought if a producer is trusting me so much, I should ensure to put in all the efforts from my side. To prepare for the show and pick up the accent, I saw a lot of Lucknowi serials to grasp how people speak.

The team also sent a lot of links as references. For 3-4 days straight I heard the clips and tried to get a hang of the language and eventually with God’s grace and with everybody’s support, I managed to pick up the pronunciation.”

Well it’s true that practice makes a man perfect and Sheetal Maulik has proved that by essaying her role as Kalyani didi and winning some great fan following.

Tune into Pyar Ki Luka Chuppi daily at 7 pm only on Dangal TV. The show is sure to keep viewers excited and gripped with a new turn of events.

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