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GIM’s Prof Divya Singhal Features on prestigious ThinklistImpact curated by University of Bath, UK

Thinklistimpact features 20 inspirational academicians and scholars globally who have made a positive social impact and ‘influence practice’. Dr. Divya Singhal is one among twenty eminent academics from around the globe to make it to this illustrious list. With scholars and professors hailing from inter alia, Canada, USA, UK, and France, this list presents Dr. Singhal as a trailblazer in the global academic scene.
Panaji, February 2022: Dr. Divya Singhal, Professor of General Management and Chairperson of the Centre for Social Sensitivity and Action (CSSA) at the Goa Institute of Management (GIM) has been listed in the prestigious ThinklistImpact which features 20 inspirational academicians and scholars globally who have made a positive social impact and ‘influence practice’ curated by the University of Bath, UK.
Dr. Divya Singhal is one among twenty eminent academics from around the globe to make it to this illustrious list. With scholars and professors hailing from inter alia, Canada, USA, UK, and France, this list presents Dr. Singhal as a trailblazer in the global academic scene.
While social media influencers and content creators continue to carve a niche for themselves, scholarly stalwarts and academicians have made successful attempts to inspire and make a positive impact. The Centre for Business, Organisations, and Society (CBOS) at the University of Bath, UK, celebrates scholars who talk about responsible business online by curating an annual ThinklistImpact.
“We’re extremely proud of Dr. Divya Singhal for taking that leap. Having the ‘audacious nerve’ to discuss uncomfortable and contested issues decidedly appears to be a dominant theme in the think list. Addressing the significant yet suppressed issues should not only be a matter of scholarly interest, but also be made a social concern;” says Prof. Ajit Parulekar, Director, GIM.
A competent criteria was observed in the process of curating the final list based on public nominations, with the use of social media to discuss, amplify, disseminate or create impact reigning in its primacy. A major prerequisite -having impact in the field of responsible and sustainable business, is projected by Dr. Singhal’s spirited Twitter profile.
“Traditionally, scholarly advancement is believed to be determined by one’s publication record, institutional pedigree, and professional reputation. The curators of #Thinklist challenge that very ideology whilst adopting an avant-garde approach that appreciates empowering scholars to make change and wield influence earlier in their careers, rather than after getting tenure or permanence through seniority. Such action comes from academic freedom; an element that abounds in the aura of GIM, ” explained Dr. Singhal.
“The emphasis on developing one’s individuality through adequate academic autonomy and opportunities for personal growth played a major role in this drive for impact,” adds Dr. Divya Singhal, attributing this milestone to the ideals of GIM and the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), an initiative supported by the United Nations.
A collective statement issued by the curators at the University of Bath UK, says “Scholarly social media impact is not trivial, and more than that it is a complex issue to discuss, measure and value.” With an emphasis on inciting the conflagration of conversation, the exceptionally esteemed panel of curators explored one specific type of impact- collaboration with practice. “The #ThinklistImpact is both a response to this broadening and a contribution to the conversation about what impact can and should mean for business scholars,” remarks Nicholas Poggioli, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Michigan Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, who served as a guest curator for ThinklistImpact.