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Tenth Batch of EFPM Begins at IIM Indore
The virtual inauguration of the tenth batch of Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM) took place on July 18, 2020. The event took place in the presence of Professor Ramadhar Singh, Professor, Ahmadabad Universityas the Chief Guest; Professor Himanshu Rai, Director, IIM Indore and Professor Sanjeev Tripathi, Chair, FPM, IIM Indore.
Professor Rai in his welcome address advised the participants to have a ‘purpose’ in life, stay focused and know the reason why they’ve enrolled in the programme.
Stating IIM Indore’s mission statement’s three main phrases –beingcontextually relevant, world class and socially conscious, Professor Rai said—‘The EFPMis the need of the hour, which makes a difference to the people connected to the academics and contributes to the field making it contextually relevant.
The programme structure and study material are robust and hence make it world-class. Last but not the least, this programme is being offered by IIM Indore which is always socially conscious and looking forward to contribute to the society, nation and world as a whole.’
He advised the participants to find research topics which they feel connected to, which excite them—and then find someone who is equally excited about the topic to mentor and guide. He also suggested that a research is worthy only if it is useful to someone.

Professor Singh shared insights on research, problems faced by the researchers, effectiveness criteria and the impression of research in the nation.
‘I believe that research is questioning the status quo and offering a better alternate. Every researcher should invest in a research to seek enjoyment of making a lasting contribution to knowledge or practise’, he said.
Discussing about the dissertation and its preparation, he noted that it’s okay if one’s dissertation doesn’t fulfil all the criteria of research—butthe researcher should feel proud of it in showing to others. ‘Be passionate about the topic you’re working on and be supervised by someone who gives equal importance to the rigor and relevance of your research’, he concluded.
The session was attended by the 35 registered participants from the new batch along with faculty members from IIM Indore.