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Know your blood pressure numbers,so you can prevent hypertension: Dr. Rajesh Agrawal

Indore. High blood pressure or hypertension is a ‘silent killer’ because it often has no obvious symptoms but can cause cardiovascular and other complications, and even death. For this reason, ‘World Hypertension Day’ is observed on 17 May and ‘High Blood Pressure Education Month’ is observed through the month of May to encourage people to know their numbers by getting their blood pressurechecked.
The theme for World Hypertension Day is ‘Know Your Numbers’. Fortunately, a simple check-up by the doctor is sufficient to measure blood pressure and detect hypertension so that he/she can prescribe the necessary treatment and lifestyle changes to help bring the levels under control.
Speaking on the subject, Dr. Rajesh Agrawal, MD Medicine and Diabetologist, said, “Just as you regularly check the air in your vehicle’s tires, you also need to check your blood pressure.In many cases, people with high blood pressure have no symptoms until their levels are significantly high.
For this reason, I recommend that all those above the age of 30 years should get their blood pressure checked. In my experience, every family has at least one member with high blood pressure. I therefore encourage all the adult family members to regularly check their blood pressure at home or with their doctor.”
Dr. Rajesh Agrawal cited a recent study which showed that 13% of adults between 15 and 49 years in Madhya Pradesh had hypertension. He also pointed out that the incidence of hypertension and obesity is high even amongst school children. “It is not the number of tablets but the control of blood pressure that is ultimately important,” concluded Dr. Rajesh Agrawal.
The term bloodpressure refers to the pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries as it flows through them. High blood pressure is the 4th leading risk factor that contributes to death and disability in Madhya Pradesh and the 4th leading risk factor that contributes to health loss in India.
People as young as 18 years should ask their doctor to check their blood pressure at least once every two years and increase the frequency to once a year after the age of 40 years. Those who are diagnosed with hypertensionshould go for regular check-ups, so that the doctor can change their medication and dosage, as and when required.
The exact cause of high blood pressure is unknown and this where the danger comes in. Age, lifestyle, family history, stress can all cause high blood pressureIf this pressure remains high it can over a period of time damage the blood vessels and put a strain on the heart.This is what can lead to serious conditions such as heart failure, heart attack, brain attack (stroke) and problems with the kidneys and eyes.
Those diagnosed with high blood pressure must follow their doctor’s advice to bring their BP under control and prevent or slow the progress of complications. These include: eating a balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables and whole grains; reducing salt intake; engaging in moderate aerobic activity for at least 150 mins a week; reducing stress; maintaining the right weight; cutting down on alcohol and tobacco; and taking their prescribed medicines as directed. Patients should follow their doctors’ prescriptions and never swap their medication with other patients.